Showing posts with label Real fact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Real fact. Show all posts

Get more status views in whatsapp, Instagram and facebook.

Wednesday, August 05, 2020
If you love to post statuses in Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook. Then the trick is for you to get more views. 

By adding more contacts you can also. But, for this you don't need to add more contacts.

Did you ever have realized or observed that, how we can get more status views in whatsapp ?  You could be but, many of you not ! If you haven't then here is an answer. Just go through it. 

Whatsapp has 3 types for status Video, Image and Text. Text would may no need data to see of your friends status. Even if you're offline also.😊 

Image's and video's would may need internet to see a status. Because that status being download and saved in our phone's storage for a while. 

Now, going forward to main thing that how we can get more views. 

You should not to post more status at the same time. Because many of us just swipe to next. Sometimes it create bad impression and many of your friends will tired and mute 🔇 you. 

So, what you have to do is post status in a time gap, like after an hour or 2 to 3 hours. What would happen is when you post second status. It comes in top of your friends status list. So, definitely your first status would be seen by them. 

Same as again, post another status after sometime. Again it will be in top of you friends list and seen by them sequentially.

I would suggest, you should post a text status after 2 or 3 status. So, it would may increase chance of getting more views. 

This trick would be useful for Instagram, Facebook and other social media also. You need have to maintain time gap. 

Mobile and Social media is Smoking..!!!!

Monday, July 09, 2018
Mobile and Social media is Smoking..!!!!
Again and again check Likes,Posts and Followers in FB and Instagram It is everything is like smoking.

Be aware about it....

Only cigarete and Pan Masala is not bad habits for everyone,Because this is a Digital era.

For Many of the people mobile is only social media like FB,WhatsApp,Instagram,twitter and etc. But mobile is not that, people are using today.

It become bad habit.

Try to understand and use where actually is required.

Agree or Not

Unknown fact of National Anthem you should know.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018
You may know the national anthtypeBut some of the unknown fact about national anthem that you should know.

  • Our national anthem is Jana Gana Mana
  • Written in Highly sanskritised Bengali.
  • It was first sung in culcutta session of the indian national congress on 27-Dec-1911.
  • It was officially adopted by the constitute Assembly As the indian National Anthem 14-Jan-1950.
  • Playing time of full version is Approximately 52 Seconds.
  • A short version (Consisting first and last lines of the stanza)  is Approximately 20 Second.
 Purpose of National Anthem

  • National Anthem is a song that is used in an Officially Capacity to Represent and Inspire Patriotism in a Country.
  • National anthem arouses feelings of nationalism and reminds citizens of the history and culture of the country.
  • It play as a Similar role to a country's motto or flag.
  • Jana Gana Mana have 5 Paragraphs many people don't know (Because all are not sung).
  • National Anthem always be sung in open area under the sky.
  • National anthem cannot be sing under the roof.
  • It cannot be sung after sunset. 
  • It cannot be sing Anytime, anywhere. 
  • Each and every country has don't have have national anthem and national song.
  • But india have both of national anthem and national song.
  • National anthem, requires the audience to give it a standing ovation and sing along with it.
  • There are rules and regulations as well as propriety pertaining to a national anthem.
  • National song is not sung compulsory in national ceremonies only where national anhem has to be sung.
  • A national anthem is a song that is set to music and has an exalted status for the people of the country.

------------------JAI HIND---------------------------

  • Also check this blog for this type of  knowledge and share it. 
  • And give feedback for your complaint or suggestion.
  • Be happy. 

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