Magic of Dial pad (keypad) 🔢 📱 | Find Contact Number easily ! ....

Today we all have a smartphone in hand, but according to one research around 70% of people don't know how to use and it's functions. 

Dial pad

As we are human and we can't remember all the contact numbers. And we have thousands of numbers in contact list. So, this trick would be useful.... ☺ 

Today we will talk about magic of keypad. How we can find a contact number easily instead of going to search bar and type name and scrolling down 😴 . It's became old method to find one. 

 we are in technical era and every new day is coming with new update. This trick is not new. but, many of you might be don't know about. 🤔  

I'm going to explain how easily you can find someone whom you want to call. It's take just a second.. 

Let's start.... 

✒️ Firstly the number has to be saved in your contact list. 


Let's take an example... You want to call Govind ☺ 

Name : Govind.
Mobile number : 1234567890

Keypad have a alphabet on every digit

So,  directly you have to type the name of that person. Same names contact will be available in sequence. 

The name is Govind and if you don't know my number. Then press keypad digit like.

For G - 4, O - 6, V-8, I-4, N-6, D-3. 

You will have contact's on your display. 

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